Kartik of 2075 is surely one of the most beautiful months we Nepalese have experienced. The beginning weeks of the month was filled with the essence of our greatest festival, bright red tika and jamara on everyone. Right after this, recently we saw lightened up dark allies and houses with bright lights from diyos and rangolis. Still the month is not over as we wait for Chhat parva, another great festival. Within this month, we experienced great vive of purity and happiness. But a truly pure and
Beauty with a Purpose, formerly known as Miss World Scholarship, is an event established in 2001 that is celebrated during the activities before the Miss World pageant. It awards the contestant with the most relevant and important charity project in her nation. Shrinkhala Khatiwada, Miss Nepal World 2018 who will be representing Nepal in China later this year at the Miss World event, has a very noble beauty with a purpose project and needs our support to help the community and make us all proud!
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