Celebrate Christmas with Outdoor Adventure Center Nepal from 23rd December 2017 to 25th December 2017. The event will be a fun gathering of all things nice for all aged kids. Christmas is all about gifts and sweets for kids and there you will just get all things Christmassy! From art and craft stalls to game stalls and foo stall, it will incorporate all and will definitely prove to be fun days for kids and adults! Visti the three day festival and make the best of the winter vacations! Entry is Free and all are welcome!
Event Highlights: • Slack line competition • Pump Track Ride competition
When | Saturday 23rd to Monday 25th December, 10am to 6pm
Where | Outdoor Adventure Center Nepal, Amrit Marg Bhawagwan Bahal Thamel. (Inside GAA Hall)
Facebook | https://goo.gl/gMNnVs